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Kathleen Rogers


I am a Valley girl, born and raised in Renfrew. I left the area in 1989 when my husband Rick and I moved to an even smaller town: Moosonee. We then re-located to Sutton West, Ontario, before my hubby accepted a job with the Renfrew Paramedic Service. We were truly back home! We have been happily married for 34 years and have raised two beautiful daughters – Bailey and Taylor. We moved home 25 years ago and have been loving life in our true home ever since. Our family has grown to include two beautiful grandsons who keep us entertained and very busy. I come from a large family and know many people throughout the Valley. I consider myself a “people person” and love meeting and chatting with listeners every day at the radio station. I love dogs, cats and birds, country music, sports and food. I also love my job here at VHR and am proud to be part of the Valley Heritage Radio family.  

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