Bill Craig
I got to know the Lord Jesus Christ late in life. I found I couldn’t keep this treasure a secret: how beautiful it is to know Jesus Christ personally.
I am not a preacher; I refer to myself as a reacher; reaching out to people, giving them good news and hope. As I was saved through listening to radio it only seems natural to give back some of the blessing I have received.
I am also thankful to Valley Heritage Radio for providing their air time every week where I get to share Jesus with you, dear listener friend. The good Lord has given me a gift to select songs for the program that dove-tail the stories and scriptures together. In these uncertain times we live in we certainly need encouragement; and not only encouragement, but we need to be challenged. I find the challenge is as much for me as it is for you, dear listener friend.
I live on an old farm, near Cobden with my wife Heather. We call our farm HIA Farm, the “HIA” stands for Hope Is Alive in the person of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. HIA Farm has a mini-pioneer village complete with mini-horses, Barnabas and Joseph.
Don’t hesitate to contact me at sundaypraise@aol.com regarding Sunday Praise on Valley Heritage Radio.

Sunday Praise
Sunday Praise is a program designed to encourage the listener through music that praises our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and through Scripture that edifies and lifts up, along with short stories and illustrations that deliver the point home.
The point being that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life (John 14:6); Yes, there is always a message for the unsaved: we must repent and have that new birth. We need to be born again (John 3:3). The program gives hope to all who listen and shows the way of eternal life in heaven.
You can hear Sunday Praise with Bill Craig every Sunday from 11 a.m. till noon on Valley Heritage Radio.